131 uses for a cotton bag (Part 1)
Despite their eco-friendly benefits, the cotton bags we love so much do carry around with them more of a carbon footprint than plastic bags. To fully offset the amount of carbon used in producing and transporting it to the shop you got it, you need to use the cotton bag a minimum of 131 times. That sounds like a challenge, and we do love a challenge here at the Cotton Bag Company.
So, with more than a little trepidation, we begin on our epic task of finding 131 uses for a cotton bag.
(If you can think of any please feel free to email us as we may struggle for inspiration after a while!)
1. Shopping Obviously! Keep your cotton bag by the front door or on the car’s passenger seat, and a spare one at work or in your handbag, so that whether you’re doing the weekly shop or popping out for a few essentials at lunchtime, you can keep your plastic bag consumption to the minimum.
2. Beach Days An awesome summer so far has seen Britain’s coastal resorts do a booming trade. But one thing these resorts need less of is plastic bags floating around and into the sea. A cotton bag not only prevents that, but also gives ample room for towels, books, sunglasses, sun-tan lotion and swimming cozzie. Plus they look pretty stylish too!
3. Making Cushions If you’ve got a bag design that you really love then why not turn it into a cushion? Snip off the handles, fill it with stuffing and sew it up at the top – what could be easier?
4. Recycling Cotton bags are good for helping to separate recycling, plus if your communal bin is quite a walk away they’re easier to carry there than a large bucket.
5. Baby-Changing Bag Non-parents would probably be amazed at the amount of stuff you need to carry around with you when you have a little one – nappies, wipes, spare clothes, bibs, food, bottles – and that’s just the obvious. A cotton bag helps keep everything together, and is easy to clean if you have a spill.