Our extensive stock of natural, black, and organic canvas bags means we are ready to print your designs here in the UK. Using state-of-the-art printing processes, including screen printing, DTG (direct to garment), and DFT (direct to film transfer), we ensure high-quality results.
We source all our bags ethically from partner factories in India, accredited with SEDEX, SA8000, and GOTS Organic certifications. As a UK GOTS organic certified printing company, we prioritize sustainability and ethical production. For more information on GOTS certified fabric bags, please watch our video or speak to one of our bag experts.
UK Printed Canvas Bags
We maintain a large inventory of canvas bags ready for custom printing. Our in-house screen and digital printing capabilities allow us to offer quick turnaround times, with a minimum order quantity of just 100 bags and delivery starting from one week.
Offshore Printed Canvas Bags
For bespoke sizes, colors, styles, and edge-to-edge printing, we offer offshore printing services through our trusted partners. This made-to-measure service allows us to create truly custom bags tailored to your specifications.
We are confident in our ability to provide a solution tailored to your needs. Feel free to reach out to one of our dedicated account managers, each equipped with extensive expertise in materials and printing techniques, ready to assist you.
Bespoke Printed Canvas Bags
Stand Out in Style with Unique Bespoke Printed Canvas Bags.
At Cotton Bag Co, we have years of experience in designing and producing printed canvas bags. Our expertise allows us to help you create a fully bespoke bag using various printing techniques, a wide range of colors, materials, finishes, and more.
If you're unsure whether Cotton Bag Co's printed eco bags are the right fit for you, or if you need help visualizing your design, don't hesitate to get in touch. Our trained, friendly staff members are ready and happy to assist with your inquiry.
If you’re still unsure whether Cotton Bag Co printed eco bags are what you’re looking for, or you’re having trouble imagining what your bags could look like, then please do not hesitate to get in touch with us today. One of our trained, friendly members of staff will be more than happy to help with your enquiry