Go Green: Our Eco-Friendly and Reusable Bags

Go Green: Our Eco-Friendly and Reusable Bags

The average plastic bag gets used for twelve minutes before it gets thrown away. Our bags can be used over and over again and if cared for correctly, they may even last you a lifetime.

Who can use our bags?

Our bags are suitable for everyone looking to invest in a more sustainable lifestyle.

Businesses can use them as alternatives to plastic bags, helping promote their brand as eco-friendly. Smaller bags and pouches may also be used as an alternative to plastic packaging.

You may also choose to purchase our bags for your friends and family to be used as an alternative to plastic bags or packaging for shopping and storage.

Our bags can also be used for everyday use.

What makes us so Eco-Friendly?

We use eco-friendly dyes to colour our cotton, and lead-free inks to print your designs onto our bags.

We also use green energy in our UK office and recycle with Hills Waste Ltd in the UK.

Our products are made using recyclable and reusable products from renewable materials.

Are you ready to take a step to reducing your carbon footprint?

Plastic bags take up to 1000 years to decompose, but cotton takes as little as 5 months to decompose under the correct conditions. This is because cotton is naturally grown and can be broken down by natural microorganisms much quicker, it also does not leave behind all the unhealthy chemical compounds that plastic does.

Take a browse around our site to find the perfect bags for you, your business and your family and friends.