Using Fabric Eco Bags in the Kitchen

The multitude of tasks that you can use fabric eco bags for is almost endless. We’ve put together a list of four of our favourite ways to use them in the kitchen.


The most obvious use for reusable bags is of course for trips to the supermarket. Now that the 5p plastic bag levy has been introduced in England, more and more shoppers will be using fabric eco bags to avoid paying these charges. Keep a reusable bag to hand at all times in case of impromptu shopping trips, and don’t forget to take plenty with you when doing the weekly food shop. As well as being more environmentally friendly than single-use plastic bags, fabric bags in materials such as cotton or canvas are stronger too, allowing you to carry heavier items such as tins and bottles with ease.


Here at Cotton Bag Co we are passionate about recycling. Fabric eco bags can be a great help for your household recycling. Use bags to help you separate different items to be recycled, such as plastics and cardboards. Sorting your recycling using bags is also handy if you need to carry them to your recycling facilities. Sturdy waterproof bags protect your kitchen from any spills, and certain fabrics such as bamboo are naturally resistant to both mould and bacteria, helping to store your recycling hygienically even if you haven’t rinsed out every tin or bottle.

Food storage

Cotton or canvas bags are great for storing food such as loose vegetables that don’t need to be refrigerated, such as potatoes or onions. Fill your bag with produce at the supermarket, then pop it straight into the cupboard to keep vegetables together and to avoid any loose dirt making a mess of your cupboards. Just make sure that you keep any bags used to store food as clean as possible- a quick run through the washing machine every few uses, or a wipe down with a sponge and antibacterial spray will help keep them fresh and hygienic.

Keep your cupboards tidy

Fabric eco bags can also help you to keep kitchenware tidy. Items such as Tupperware or baking accessories can take over entire cupboards or drawers if not kept in check. Use your eco bags to keep related items together, to help you find them easily and also to help maximise storage space as they can be stacked side by side. You can make it easy to see what is in each bag by adding labels or fabric pens to list the bag’s contents.

We offer a wide range of bags, from high quality wholesale bags, to bespoke printed designs for your company.