Why jute bags are a great alternative to cotton or plastic

Why jute bags are a great alternative to cotton or plastic

At Cotton Bag Co, we are always trying to source new environmentally sustainable products that will help move people away from plastic goods and onto natural reusable ones. In addition to the versatile cotton bags we, also offer sustainable jute bags which are great if you are looking for a different product that also protects the environment. 


What is jute? 

Jute is usually produced from the fibers of plants in the genus Corchorus, and when raw comes in the form of long shiny threads. These threads are then spun into larger coarse threads that are used in the production of gunny cloth, burlap sacks, and of course jute bags. 

Other uses for jute include twine, rope, and matting. Jute is a very uniform fiber which in turn makes it easy to manage. The affordability and durability of the fiber also make it very popular as the base material in a wide variety of different products. 

What are the benefits of jute bags? 

When it comes to jute bags for the consumer, their products have a number of different benefits that make them favourites amongst a wide variety of different businesses. 

Jute bags are strong, really strong. The durability of the fiber, coupled with the stiffness of the production of the bags means they are capable of carrying heavy loads and items that come in various different shapes and sizes. This makes them a good fit you are offering heavy goods that need the added protection of a strong bag. 

Another reason why jute is a great alternative to cotton or plastic is the natural appearance. The coarseness of the fibers means they do appear to have a ‘raw’ feel with a very natural feel and appearance. This is more pronounced in jute bags than it is in plastic or even cotton bags. 

Their incredible durability means that Jute bags can be re-used over and over again. This means that you can supply them to customers safe in the knowledge that you are offering an environmentally friendly product that they can reuse and dispose of in a safe and responsible manner.

Order jute bags from Cotton Bag Co today 

If any of the above reasons have tempted you take a closer look at the use of jute bags in your business. Have a look at ordering some today. They can be bought wholesale which gives you a more affordable price range and can be used in a lot of different business marketing activities.